My experience in the Elementary Education program at UVic

category edci306A

First Peoples Principles of Learning in my lesson plan

My group and I collaboratively made a lesson plan for music in math. We embedded “Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and sense of space)” from the First Peoples Principles of Learning… Continue Reading →

Musical growth evidence final video

This video was taken after tuning my ukulele with a different tuner than my first video so it should hopefully sound more in tune. My song is When the party’s over by Billie Eilish and it uses the chords: F,… Continue Reading →

Music progress report #6

After practicing when the party’s over by Billie Eilish for fifteen minutes everyday for the past few days I feel as though I am ready to post a video of myself playing my final song. However, I am a bit… Continue Reading →

Music progress report #5

Now that I am getting close to my goal, I am finding it easier to want to pick up the instrument and practice. Before it was hard because I could not play the full song and it was boring practising… Continue Reading →

Music progress report #4

The more I practice the more obtainable my final musical growth goal seems. Originally when I chose a song to learn on the ukulele I wanted to do a song by one of my favourite artists, Billie Eilish. I heard… Continue Reading →

Musical Growth evidence midterm video

Music progress report #3

On my Wednesday visit this week I spoke with the music teacher and she told me that the first step in learning a song is to practice the chord transitions over and over again until they start to come more… Continue Reading →

Music progress report #2

I finally got my ukulele in tune so that it sounded like I was playing music. I also have chosen the way I strum, with my index finger. I am better at making the chords sound more clear now too…. Continue Reading →

Music progress report #1

I have chosen to learn the ukulele for my music inquiry assignment. My music knowledge is little to none. I have minimal experience playing instruments. I learned how to play the recorder in grade 3 but that was so long… Continue Reading →

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