After practicing when the party’s over by Billie Eilish for fifteen minutes everyday for the past few days I feel as though I am ready to post a video of myself playing my final song. However, I am a bit of a perfectionist and want to post a video of myself with the least mess ups as possible. I want to look back on the video that I post and be proud of what I have accomplished by myself in such a short period of time. The assignment outcomes are not something I would have likely learned from my own will. I am excited to say that because I took this course I now know the basics of the ukulele. My family is not musical and my siblings and I were never put in music lessons. Throughout this inquiry process I struggled to pick up the skills to play a stringed instrument, keep timing, and play clear sounding chords. I got so frustrated with myself throughout this process for not being able to play it right away. This has made the end results for me feel and look so rewarding. I think I really challenged myself by choosing this song as well. I did not want to choose multiple mainstream easy songs to play, I wanted to play something impressive and unique. When the party’s over is a tricky song to play on the ukulele because it is very lento and piano which is hard to match up with the unique sound of my ukulele. Another thing that makes this song a little more challenging is that the last word of some of the lyrics are meant to stand out so there are pauses between the strumming patterns. The ending of the song is extremely lento and piano but the strumming pattern in fairly the same so I have had to practice slowing down my strumming even more. I feel very accomplished and satisfied with how much I learned and improved through this inquiry assignment.