My experience in the Elementary Education program at UVic

month June 2022


After interacting with our blog you should be able to: Identify which emotions belong in each zone Implement an appropriate strategy to regulate someone no matter the zone Use preventative strategies to mitigate unwanted behaviour Recognize stressors in an environment… Continue Reading →

Blog post #6 How do we evaluate multimedia and multimedia tools?

The SAMR model by Dr Ruben Puentedura I have been introduced to the SAMR model before and I have found it to be a bit confusing. Dr Ruben Puentedura explains that the purpose of this model is to “make the… Continue Reading →

Peer Review

This is my peer review for the interactive learning resource on Basic Nutrition in our Daily Diet. General thoughts: First I would like to say that I was super excited to go through your interactive learning resource as I find… Continue Reading →

Assignment #3 Core Media Skills

For this assignment I decided to update a slide presentation from EDCI 336 (Technology and Innovation in Education) that I took in my second year of university. This was originally a group project and I have now updated it since… Continue Reading →

Designing for interaction

While reading the Our Need to Interact post I made several connections to the examples discussed. This post is about current events we are living through, being in a global pandemic and the sudden switch to online learning. For many… Continue Reading →

Blog post #5 Inclusion and Differentiated Learning

Universal Design for Learning I am very familiar with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as I have been learning how to incorporate the CAST UDL guideline checkpoints in my lesson plans for the past 2.5 years. Below I have attached… Continue Reading →

Designing for Inclusion

As someone who has completed a degree in Education, I am very familiar with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In fact I have the UDL guidelines bookmarked on my laptop because I refer to them while writing lesson plans. Below… Continue Reading →

Blog post #4 Instructional design

This week I found it interesting to learn about designing effective multimedia objects. I have taken a few educational technology (edtech) courses which teach you about using different digital tools and using technology for learning. Now that I have the… Continue Reading →

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