On my Wednesday visit this week I spoke with the music teacher and she told me that the first step in learning a song is to practice the chord transitions over and over again until they start to come more natural. I kept this in mind while practicing in class during our work block. As I was starting to get the hang of switching between C and F with less hesitation, I moved on to switching to G as well. I felt more confident with my ukulele progress after this class. I am not as scared to pick up the ukulele as I was at the beginning of my musical growth progress. I can play the chords more confidently. I have been trying to play when the party’s over with the strumming pattern down, down-up. I have also tried out other strumming patterns such as down, down, up-down and down, down, up, up, down-up. I find these strumming patterns make switching between chords more challenging but it is something to work towards for the final. Overall I think my growth plan was appropriate and I followed it pretty closely. I wrote out a detailed action plan that I used as a guide to follow and plan my practices. I found and used helpful tutorial videos. I wrote out what the chords look like which I found more useful than a beginners book. I practiced in front of others and received some feedback from my friends, family and teachers on multiple occasions. Now I feel more comfortable filming myself to post a video of my progress. I have noticed a big improvement in my musical abilities as well as my confidence and willingness to pick up the ukulele and play. I no longer feel that the ukulele is daunting and that I can feel accomplished about knowing how to play it.