This article talks about how anxiety can become worse in teenage years as this is the transition period between dependant youth and independent adulthood. Teenage years are when people are the most sensitive to how others see and judge them. This is often when people start to care too much about what other people think about them and it reflects on how people see themselves. This is also a time where people compare themselves to others the most as they try to figure out who they are or who they want to be. Social media is the quickest way for teens to compare themselves to others. They may see posts about other people’s lives and start to compare their life, personality and body to other people that they see on social media. With society today in the era of selfies, filters and body positivity etc teens judge their body and beauty daily while comparing it to the posts they see online. This is all happening in a  time where bodies are constantly changing and maturing. With access to so much information on other peoples’ lives thanks to social media during such a hectic period it is no wonder anxiety increases in teenage years.


Young, Karen. (n.d.). Anxiety in Teens: Why Anxiety Might Increase During Adolescence, and What Parents Can Do. Retrieved from

Anxiety in Teens: Why Anxiety Might Increase During Adolescence, and What Parents Can Do