My experience in the Elementary Education program at UVic

category Free Inquiry

How to help children understand and control their anxiety

Anxiety is hard to understand for some kids because it seems to just come out of nowhere. Adults are quick to tell them that there is nothing wrong and nothing to worry about. This is not how you deal with… Continue Reading →

Do not tell an anxious child that there is nothing to worry about

You are driving on the freeway and your car brakes feel weird so you go to a mechanic and they say the car is fine there is nothing to worry about. When you drive on the freeway again you notice… Continue Reading →

Parents with anxiety

It is hard enough dealing with your own stress and anxiety as a parent let alone trying to prevent your child from developing similar emotions. If you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed out around your child be mindful of… Continue Reading →

Why does anxiety cause tummy aches?

Most children who complain about having tummy aches will say it everyday at the same time. For some children it is at night before bed and for others it is every morning before school. Tummy aches could be because of… Continue Reading →

What to Teach Children With Anxiety

Strengthening your child’s mind can be as simple as pointing out their brave moments and encouraging them to notice when they are being brave as well. As cliche as it seems deep breathing is so important for children to learn… Continue Reading →

Your Child Mirrors Your Behaviour

What can parents do? If you as a parent are often stressed and worried in front of your child, they will mirror you. Remaining calm around your children will decrease the chance of your child becoming overly stressed and will… Continue Reading →

What Anxiety Can Look Like

Control issues Sleep issues Often agitated  Disobedient behaviour Particularly hard on themselves Not participating in activities Stomachaches Headaches Difficulty focusing Cannot deal with uncertainty Uncontrollable emotions Over plans Worries easily Anxiety looks different in everyone. It is important to look… Continue Reading →

Free inquiry progress

So far I have been collecting articles posted by the Institute of Child Psychology on a facebook page called  Childhood Anxiety: Helping Children Heal. A friend in my cohort shared this page with our class to see if anyone was… Continue Reading →

Free inquiry topic

For my free inquiry assignment in EDCI 336 I have chosen the topic of anxiety in children. I want to explore: What causes anxiety for children? What can parents do to avoid the development of anxiety or reduce the severity… Continue Reading →

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