My experience in the Elementary Education program at UVic

month May 2022

Inquiry-Based Learning

inquiry in the classroom places the responsibility for learning on the students and encourages them to arrive at an understanding of concepts by themselves Introduction I have never heard the word “inquiry” so many times in my entire 22… Continue Reading →

Blog post #3: Principles of Learning

After reading through the posted materials this week it seems to me that there are many different principles of learning. When I think of principles of learning, I think of the First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) as these are… Continue Reading →

Blog post #2: Multimedia Principles

The multimedia learning hypothesis is that people learn better from both pictures and words as opposed to just one or the other (Mayer, 2014). Mayer goes on to expand upon this and states that learning from pictures and learning from… Continue Reading →

Blog post #1: Augmented Reality

Within this week’s topic of augmented reality (AR) I looked into how AR could be used for education and I specifically wanted to find ways to bring it into the elementary classroom. I took a look at the Merge website… Continue Reading →

Topic #1 Learning, Theory and Motivation

I just finished the reading about Behaviourism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism and my brain in overwhelmed with complex information! I have been introduced to these learning theories in the Elementary Education program at UVic specifically in EDCI 303. My understanding of… Continue Reading →

Introductory post

Hello EDCI 335 friends! I have recently completed my Bachelor of Education at Uvic and will be graduating this June. I am taking this course as part of my category upgrade for teaching. I hope to teach somewhere between grades… Continue Reading →

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