To create this Cyberbullying lesson plan, I combined ideas from Be a Super Digital Citizen from and Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Values from I then added my own teaching style, made adjustments to suit the grade 5 level and connected it to the BC curriculum.

I chose to use a part of the Be a Super Digital Citizen lesson plan that is called Being an Upstander because it was written in a way that I could see myself teaching the lesson. The style and flow matches my teaching strategies and approach. From the section of the lesson I decided to cut out the art activity where students draw their superhero as I did not feel it was necessary or much use to this lesson. The rest of that lesson plan I did not like as much so I only kept the one section that is 10 minutes. The scenarios from the Behaving Ethically Online lesson were the only part of that lesson I thought I would use because they were practical and realistic for the most part. I made a changes to the names and language used in the scenarios to best suit the grade 5 level as this is likely the age I would teach this unit to. The original lesson plans had some learning outcomes but I decided not to include those and instead I connected it to the BC curriculum where I saw fit. I can definitely see myself teaching this lesson to intermediate students in the future.