Hello again. I have been looking forward to reading your recent blog post at https://kayleighdawn.opened.ca . The beginning of your blog post related well to our second assignment for this class. The first paragraph I think could be worth expanding upon later…. Continue Reading →
Hello again. I have just read your blog post about the history of open and distributed learning found at https://teyasedtech.opened.ca/2020/07/15/topic-2-history-context-of-k-12-open-and-dist-learning/ I enjoyed reading blog post yet again because I can hear the voice behind your text. Thank you for sharing your… Continue Reading →
Hello again. I have just read recent blog post at https://kscott.opened.ca/2020/07/15/blog-post-2/ It looks like you found an interesting fact in the Barbour reading about the number of students who use eLearning. If you choose to expand on this blog post you… Continue Reading →
I did not know much about this topic before doing the readings this week. However I felt that the readings were clear and I was able to follow along easily. In the Roberts et. al. reading about Open Educational Practices… Continue Reading →
This webinar focused on the learning outcome “Critically reflect on and articulate concepts around modality, pedagogy, and access, including distributed and open learning theory, online and open learning history, privacy laws, online learning communities, open research, and open data.” and… Continue Reading →
Hi Teya! I just read your blog post on https://teyasedtech.opened.ca/2020/07/09/test/ Thank you for sharing your opinion about learning through online spaces and how relationships through online spaces are weaker than face-to-face. You bring up good points and I found your blog… Continue Reading →
My takeaway from this webinar is the connection between building relationships and student engagement. Personally, having strong relationships with my instructors has led me to be more engaged in course material. All students should feel safe and comfortable communicating with… Continue Reading →
Hi Kayleigh! Your blog post on http://Kayleighdawn.opened.ca was well written and organized. I like your connection to creating a positive and safe learning environment online. This was an important topic in many of our second year courses in the BEd Program. The… Continue Reading →
Hi Kylie! I have read your “Blog Post #1” under the category EDCI 339 found at https://kscott.opened.ca/2020/07/08/blog-post-1/ It looks like we were both fascinated by Regan and Jesse’s article and specifically tracking. I find it interesting how you mention using technology… Continue Reading →
Safe communication and interactions are the foundation of relationship building online. In open learning spaces students need to feel comfortable and safe while learning just as they would in a regular classroom. For some students, this need is increased if… Continue Reading →
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