My experience in the Elementary Education program at UVic

Day July 21, 2020

Week 3 Slack conversation

This week I felt like trying something new and decided to take part in week 3’s conversation on slack. This is an easy to follow informal space for conversations in online classes. This checks off the competency “Practice digital, networked,… Continue Reading →

Response to Kayldawn’s Topic 3 blog post

Hi Kayleigh, I just read your recent blog post at . I am super happy to see and read your passion for this topic! Great point about the design principles being beneficial for all learners and not only who they are… Continue Reading →

Response to Kylie’s Topic 3 blog post

Hi Kylie, I have just read your recent post at . I am surprised you have heard more positives about online learning than negatives. Teya mentioned in her blog post that she people often see more negatives and I agree. This… Continue Reading →

Response to Teyawij’s Topic 3 blog post

Hi Teya. I just read your most recent blog post at . I agree with you that the negatives of online learning seem to outweigh the positives for most people because once they hear or make assumptions about the negative side… Continue Reading →

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